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Uscis news Form: What You Should Know

Form I-9 Guidance. Alerts — USCIS The following notices from USCIS are applicable to nonimmigrant temporary visa (L-1), B-1B, B-2 visitor, B-1, M, F, H, L and M1 H-1B H-2B H-1B/N visa holders. (Please note this is the information provided when your nonimmigrant visa is about to expire. If your temporary visa is an L-1, B-1B, B-2 visa holder, and your status is about to expire in a few days, you may wish to visit our U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) has published perform I-9 guidance related to employees with E and L nonimmigrant status in the. For more information see USCIS Guidance for L-1, B-1B, B-2, F, H, H-1B/S, H-2B, H-1B/N Visa Holders) Credible threat of death or serious bodily injury — Employer must document reason for action on person not qualified because of sexual orientation and gender identity; nonimmigrant alien's actions on persons in same-sex marriages (if applicable). USCIS Policy Letter L-1218, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination — April 10, 2018, All of these notifications apply to all nonimmigrant visas issued by USCIS, including temporary L-1, B-1B, B-2, F, H, L and M nonimmigrant visas and the following special immigrant visa categories: Special Immigrant Visa (SI V), the Special Immigrant Visa for the Arts (SIV) and the Special Immigrant Visa for Women (SIVA). For further information, see the following USCIS has published new guidance related to employers reporting employment eligibility decisions of L nonimmigrant visa holders through the Federal Electronic System for Travel Authorization (FAST), including employer's obligations to record in the immigration system and the employer's obligation to take appropriate action on persons in same-sex marriages. For more information see the following USCIS news releases and alerts. Immigration Issues (CBP) Announcement by U.S. Customs and Border Protection: U.S. Customs and Border Protection has designated July 13, 2018, as “Safe Travel Day.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Uscis news

Instructions and Help about Uscis news

Hello everyone! Yesterday, we were reviewing immigration news like we usually do and we noticed that the USCIS issued a new policy memorandum on November 30th about interviews for an I-751. This went into effect on December 10, 2009. Today, we're going to talk about that. I'm Ron Kamiya and I provide immigration and other legal services to my clients. I'm here with my marketing and office manager, Interfere, and really appreciate you watching us, as well as your likes, shares, and comments. Thank you so much. First things first, let me tell everyone what an I-751 is. It is when you apply to remove conditions on your green card. I know we talked about this in another video, but can you explain a little bit more about that? Sure. When someone applies for a green card through marriage, if they have not been married for a certain period of time or haven't lived in the US for a certain time, they get a green card that is only good for two years. Before that expires, they must apply for a permanent green card. And even though it says "permanent," it's really only good for ten years. And then, they must renew it, right? That's right. Although their status does not expire, the document must be renewed every ten years. I would like to remind people that I highly, highly recommend that after they become a legal permanent resident, they should move towards applying for their citizenship as soon as possible. We have many people who call us because they have been here for decades as legal permanent residents, and something changed. They were arrested or they received a denial when renewing their cards, so they must spend more money as if they would have had if they applied for citizenship. So...